Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Onoma- WHAT?!!

This week we are learning about "onomatopoeia". It refers to a word created to imitate a natural sound. The words: Bam! Achoo! Meow! Woof. Splash! Boom! are just a few examples.

One of the best ways to learn something new, is to teach it to someone else. It was time for Book Buddies this week, so Ms. Leom checked out books in the Froggy series. She introduced the term, "onomatopoeia", then read part of a Froggy book to us. Each time there was an example, we shouted out, "onomatopoeia". Then she sent us to grab a book and read it for ourselves, finding the examples on our own. Next, she told us that we were going to be reading this series to our kindergarten reading buddies. We would teach them about onomatopoeia, and we could come up with a secret direction just between us (tap our nose, give me five, tap the book ...) at each example. We would teach, read, and learn about onomatopoeia. We were thrilled to start!

We started by picking a book and pre-reading it.

Then, it was time to share our books with our reading buddies.

nose tapping for each example

high five for each example
Mr. Greninger's class will be "reading" about onomatopoeia next week. So much fun!!

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