Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Our First Morning

Ever wish you could peek into the classroom and see what we are doing? I have your exclusive right here!!!

Our morning started with announcements on our Smart Board. Mrs. Vickers, our media specialist ("librarian") tapes each daily broadcast.
watching announcements

the opening of announcements
Next, we had "Passport Training". We had staff members from our school come into our classroom and talk to us about the expectations of the main areas of our school.
Mrs. Mickelson, computer lab, talked about Hallway Expectations

These posters will be posted throughout our hallways

Mrs. Jensen, planning room, talked to us about the Bathrooms

these posters will be posted outside of our bathrooms
In between our speakers, Ms. Leom had a specific movement or brain break activity for us. Fourth graders (and adults) are better listeners when the get a chance to move!

Mrs. Stupar, Social Worker, talked about the playground

These will be posted near the playgroun

From Title One, Mrs. Winkler talked to us about Lunch and Breakfast

these posters will be in the lunchroom
Then, Mr. Meyer talked about his two pet peeves (being disrespectful and throwing food) and overall expectations. He explained our classroom "passport", our contract that we will sign. When we sign, we understand the school expectations and will follow them.
Assistant Principal Mr. Meyer
Ms. Leom thought we needed more movement, so we practiced a fire drill and what we will do in our room during a school lock down.
leaving the room for our fire drill
Next, she wanted to learn more about us. She also knew the new crayons, pencils, and markers were "on fire" to be used, and we were ready to get to know our classmates. So we made posters about our families. She pulled groups of students to work in small groups to label and organize our cubbies, while other groups signed the class passport. It was a smooth operation as students moved to the different areas to successfully complete all three tasks.
working on family posters

labeling & organizing cubbies
signing our class passsport
labeling and organizing our cubbies
family posters

family posters

We enjoyed a "working snack break" while Ms. Leom talked about our Oscars (home folders) and planners. We talked about reading calendars, the 10,000 Minute Club, the class rules, and she reassured us that making mistakes is ok (apparently, she makes a LOT of them all the time)!

We took a quick break outside some class pictures ...
...  before returning for our next learning project ("something" for Parents Night on Monday September 30 from 5:00-6:00 PM) while Ms. Leom read to us ...

That was just the morning of our first day of fourth grade! Hope you will check back often to keep up with our other learning adventures!!!

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