Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Opinion / Argument

Today, we are writing opinion / argument paragraphs. This was a skill that Ms. Leom didn't learn how to do until she was in junior high or high school.

Using the personal narratives we read last week, "The Cave", "Monster Truck Rally", and "Spacers or How I Learned Not to Fear the Orthodontist", students needed to pick the narrative that they felt expressed the writer's feelings the best (opinion). Then they had to use details in the texts to support their opinions (argument).

First, we reread the stories.

Next, we organized our work space. This means all our papers, folders, notebooks, iPads, pencil boxes, and more are placed in a neat pile on the name tag. We have the book open, our notebook in position, and a sharpened pencil.

Ms. Leom walked us through the steps, explaining as we went.

Then we had writing time. We are not finished. Rereading and using evidence from the text takes time. We will finish tomorrow in class.

Ms. Leom continues to work with students who find this assignment overwhelming. She has us write one sentence at a time, and walks us through the detail sentences.

When Ms. Leom started the lesson with her class this morning, the first time, it was an epic fail. She started the steps. The class followed. As we worked, she realized, we weren't getting details from all three texts, like our goal stated. We had to go back, and rework. She said that is part of learning. Sometimes you have to start. You have to be willing to make mistakes, admit you are wrong, then take the time to fix it. In the end, the class that experienced the epic fail, has a deeper understanding of the process.

It is Ms. Leom's opinion that some of our learning is a challenge. It takes time, patience, and the willingness to stick with it. We are all "in progress" and trying to be one step smarter today than we were yesterday - even Ms. Leom. "Mistakes are proof that you are trying." No argument there!

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