Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Return

Ms. Leom is thrilled to be returning. She missed her students. She missed talking with families at conferences. She missed the routine, and did she mention, she missed her students?!!!

She is on the road as we speak, driving through the dark. 

After so much sadness, she looked for reasons to smile. She was able to spend time with several of her nieces and nephews (only nieces pictured),

After a week in the hospital, the complications of pneumonia were too much, and her father-in-law passed away on Friday night. We were so thankful we could be there the last two days at the hospital. 

We met with the funeral home on Saturday afternoon, but final plans could not be made until Monday morning when businesses opened. In the community he lived, it is customary to have two full days of visitation. My father-in-law is so tall, they needed to speciality order a long enough casket. It often takes over a week, nearly two for delivery. They pulled special favors, because we couldn't wait. We had less than a full day of visitation. Veteran's Day is also taken very seriously in this area. All the schools and businesses close on Veteran's Day. We could have the funeral at church, but nothing else could be planned for that day. Then he was a veteran of the Air Force and wanted to be buried in the Veteran's Cemetery, over three hours away. At the Veteran's Cemetery, you say, "we would like Thursday", and they tell you a time (2:00), and you show up early. Basically, the funeral was spread out over three days. We were over nine hours away from home and active with all the arrangements. It wasn't possible to come home between.

Ms. Leom's parents made the drive.

Today at the burial as the flag was folded,

Monday. Ms. Leom will return to school on Monday morning. She will arrive home sometime late Friday. She will be working on thank yous, laundry, and some school work. Next week, she will connect with families regarding conferences. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding. It has been a long, emotional week. Looking forward to the return on Monday.

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