Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Friday, May 17, 2013

PTO Carnival

This is the PTO Carnival through Ms. Leom's eyes ... as a parent ... as a teacher ...

my kids
social worker, Mrs. Stupar

one of our Title One teachers, Mrs. Geurkink

first grade teacher, Mrs. Anderson
high school Science teacher, Mr. Anderson
fourth grade friends
more fourth grade friends
appreciate our parent volunteers

second grade teacher, Mrs. Barry

Mr. G

Mr. G

Mrs. G (really) volunteers

Title One teacher, Mrs. Asher
fifth grade teacher, Mrs. Willman

these high school boys spent their Friday night volunteering - (LOVE our staff families!!)

sixth grade teachers, Mr. Vedders and Mrs. Udstuen

fourth grade friends

fourth grade friends
high school business teacher, Mrs. Taylor

PE teacher, Mrs. Elnes

first grade teacher, Mrs. Ranweiller had a baby just last week!

one of our grandmas spending some quality time

making memories
one of our parents and one of Ms. Leom's "alums"
There were many more pictures I missed as I was making memories with my family, talking with my neighbors, meeting my children's friend's parents, and ok, I admit it, people watching as I was snitching some cotton candy from my kids. Our School Carnival is a fun event, and I am always so thrilled to see so many of my students and their families! I am always humbled by the many staff, families, and students who volunteer their Friday evening to provide a safe, entertaining, local event. I am also thankful for the donations from our families and the HOURS and MONTHS of planning to make this one event happen. These images make me proud to be a parent, a neighbor, and a community member in the Milaca Schools area!

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