Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Monday, June 22, 2015

In the Mail

It took two long afternoons, and two evenings to get the job completed, and today it is official! The letters are in the mail!! 

I am sending a letter to all 54 of my (now) fifth grade students. With the mail system in place at school, the letters should start arriving on Wednesday or Thuraday.

So excited, knowing how much fun it is to get friendly mail!!! 

Monday, June 1, 2015

the last day

Our last day of school was a big one ... filled with taking down the room and putting things away for the summer ... being invited to pick out a book donated by PTO ...

 Next, we visited Lost and Found. There were several students who insisted they had not lost anything ... (the mom in me was pleased when) items found their owners ...

After lunch, we were off to Trimble Park (aka "Tank Park"). There was so much energy and excitement about it being "the last day", and there were so many things to share with our friends, we put the energy to good use.

Thank you for a fabulous school year!! We are so proud of these students we call "our kids". They grew, matured, learned, and hold a piece of our hearts. Happy Summer and safe travels in all of your adventures!! With love always ...