Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Chip Shoppe

The Chip Shoppe came to school today to talk to our students. We met in the lunchroom at the end of the day.

This is the fourth and fifth graders.

We are fundraising for our new playground. Just last month, they removed one of our slides. It was no longer safe.

 Over 450 students use that playground every day. It was "just a few years old" when I moved to Milaca and started teaching 20 years ago. That is a long time, and other pieces have long since been removed as safety standards changed in those two decades.

We are at least $20,000 short. We also want to replace the loose pea rock that needs to be refilled every few years as it steadily (and literally) walks off in a number of shoes throughout the year.

Even if "another fundraiser" or collection isn't in your plan, please consider a donation to the playground fun. Checks will be accepted.  Every amount adds up.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Cause and Effect Game

We know that students learn in a variety of ways. As we are able, we include different activities to interest and develop our skills.

This week, we are learning about cause and effect. In addition to our notes and class learnjng, this week, on Wednesday, we added a game.

Students had sixteen cards to read and determine the underline portion of the sentence, was it the cause or the effect?

Ms. Leom gathered our game boards  and will go over the examples in class this week. The room was quiet as each student was playing and thinking. 


We have one bottle of pop collected for the PTO Carnival fundraiser.

Mrs. Arens:

Mr. Greninger:

The ring toss game isn't going to last very long or raise very much money at this rate. Please consider donating if you are able.

The due date if Friday March 4th. The class that donates the most gets an ice cream party. The leading class as of Tuesday March 1 has 44 bottles of pop. Mr. Greninger has 15 bottles. Ms. Leom's class has 7 bottles. 

Fitness Fever

We had Fitness Fever today. Over an hour of fun in the gym, ending with a tug-o-war. Note, we are the smallest class ...

Mr. Greninger's class waits for the fun to begin ...

Ms. Leom's class




Leom class picture:

Making memories!


We collected tickets yesterday.

I always enjoy the perspective of my students' application of our learning through their words and life experiences. In fairness, they were allowed to add a fictional element to a cause and effect experience. I recorded their answers (with translated spellings) in the comment section of the on-line grade book. 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Our Guest

On Wednesday morning, Ms. Leom's homeroom welcomed a guest reader who shared some Norewgian magic in the form of a story and some personal experiences to make connections (one of our reading strategies this week).

We love and are thankful for our extended community who support our learning by sharing their many gifts and talents!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Ms. Leom's class wrote to a prompt today. Using Bruce Pennington's work, students were invited to write a story about this picture.

There was a feeling of excitement in the room as students got to work. We may need to write to a prompt more often!

Thursday, February 11, 2016


We walked to Rec Park and went sledding today after lunch. This was a whole-grade-level activity (not related to a reward).

It was about 14 degrees outside, and the runs were iced over, and as hearty Minnesotans, we enjoyed the ride(s)!