Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Monday, February 25, 2013


Someone forgot to tell fourth graders that today is a MONDAY. Monday, the day that follows a weekend. Monday, the day when students return to school, slightly dazed from their weekend adventures, and although they may not admit it, happy to return to the routine, see their friends, and ready to learn. They are usually calm and follow the routine.

In addition, Ms. Leom changed seats for both classes today. That usually "buys" at least a week of calmer moments. Students are busy figuring out their new seat mates.

Today felt and sounded more like a Friday, WITH an exciting event planned. Students had a lot to talk about. Maybe there is a weather change happening ... some blizzard the meteorologists haven't announced yet ... ?

So Ms. Leom had to pull out one of her favorites from her teacher "bag of tricks" ... time to sit back and relax.

Not long ago, Ms. Leom was reading one of her many "professional books" (each year, she tries to read a handful to be open to new theories and trends). It talked about how today's students no longer know how to be quiet and comfortable in their silence. They spend most of their time entertained by various media, activities, and interactions, that they struggle to quiet and calm themselves. (There was significantly more, but you get the basics of the idea). For many parents, it isn't really a new idea.

Usually, this strategy to settle her class doesn't get pulled out and implemented until when the Spring weather calls students outside to run and play without the snow and all the cold gear of our climate. So we are starting early.

This is what it looks like:

Students are invited to "get comfortable" (safely), and the first time, even to "put their feet up" to signify this is different from past experiences. They are asked to close their eyes (this prevents making faces across the room and giggling that disrupts the process). Next, they are invited to "daydream" ... think about their weekend, their plans for Recess, or after school. We start with a small increment of time, one minute. There are several students who one minute is a stretch. Finally, the second minute, Ms. Leom has them visualize, "What would you look like if you were a responsible, respectful, honest, citizen of this classroom?" With students sitting in their relaxed position, Ms. Leom talks them through what their feet will do, legs, body, arms, hands, mouths, ears, eyes ... Finally, students are asked to open their eyes and move their bodies into a position to learn. Some visitors may have seen a version of this strategy used before Student of the Week presentations.

We will add to the "daydream" time to build stamina, not going beyond five minutes. The longer students have to relax their minds and bodies, the more success and longer they are able to concentrate in class.

There are other strategies we will use as well. Mrs. Beckman, one of our Phy-Ed teachers, has provided a collection of "Jammin' Minute" videos. We can access the videos for times when our bodies need to move. When students appear sluggish, or wandering and off-task choices appear to be a concern, we will view the Jammin Minute videos and engage in physical activity.

As a staff, we really try to observe the students and make decisions based on their learning needs. We look for ways to channel their energy, to stretch their brains, and make proactive opportunities for their success. It is not a "punishment" to sit back, relax your mind, and take some quiet time for yourself. It is a successful strategy to managing our busy learning day.

Ask your fourth grader what s/he thought about today. Feel free to talk about places they could visit in their minds or activities you enjoy as a family they could remember.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


On Friday afternoon, Fitness Fever ended with the Tug-Of-War ... each class faced each other for the epic battle ... there were some sore hands, bumps and bruises, and fierce competition ...

Mr. Greinger's Class - the Victors - Congratulations!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Fitness Fever

Fitness Fever has hit Milaca Elementary School! At 1:30 today, Ms. Leom walked us to the gyms to join the fourth grade classes in another February Tradition ...
After everyone arrived, and we listened to the directions, we had our routine warm up run around the gym ...

Assistant Principal, Mr. Meyer, shot some hoops

floor hockey
Next, it was time to visit each station. (Please forgive Ms. Leom as she makes up names for each station to give some information about the pictures) ...
game with flags

basketball throw

some kind of tag using hoola-hoops

obstacle course

summer saults are part of the obstacle course
Stay tuned for the finale ... the Tug-Of-War ... which fourth grade class will rein this year ... ? Let the games begin!

Penpal Letters

Ms. Leom's class's pen pal letters arrived from Royalton Elementary!

First, we read our letters.

Then, we wrote our replies.

sometimes we need to check back

It was an exciting morning in Room E113!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

100 Days

Today is the 100th day of school. In fourth grade, we don't have an extravaganza to celebrate this milestone. Instead, we appreciate and enjoy the fun shared by this group of guests ... they arrive with their canes, walkers, voices, and characters of wisdom ...

(Mrs. Hass, Mrs. Ranweiler, Mrs. Welch, Mrs. Hobert, Mrs. Anderson, and Mrs. Blowers)

Today, Ms. Leom snapped a picture of them as they were preparing for their segment of our morning announcements, Wolf News.

(LOVE THIS school and the extended talents ... with their many talents and gifts that make learning an adventure EVERY day! Today, our First Grade Teachers rock!)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Chocol-ANT-y Learning

It all started in February, when Ms. Leom read the book, Chocolate Fever, to her class. If you are going to read about a boy (Henry Green) who eats SO (too) MUCH chocolate and develops a new disease, you should eat some chocolate to get into the flavor of the story ...

We had SO MUCh fun with story, when students asked, "What are we going to read next?", Ms. Leom didn't want to disappoint. So she pulled an old favorite from the closet ...
If you are going to read about Chocolate- Covered Ants, it would be even MORE fun if you got into the flavor of the book ...
So Ms. Leom shared some "chocolate-covered ants" with the class ... So if someone offered you "chocolate covered ants" ... what would you do? Would you try them ... ?

What kind of reaction would you have? What reaction would the people sitting next to you have? Several students insist that they were eating chocolate-covered raisins, but Ms. Leom only raised her eyebrow and twitched her mouth to a smile in a mysterious grin. Then she started reading our new book.

Our attention is captured. We only read to page six. There was a discussion about synonyms for the word, "said" ...

a discussion on puns ... some connections to the Liberty Bell ("LiberANTy Bell") and Independence Hall ("IndependANTS Hall") ... each student has his or her own copy of the book to follow along, and a packet of related learning to develop the story.

F-ANT-astic learning happening in Elem-ANT-ry Room 113!