Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Thursday, July 16, 2015


So what is a teacher to do in July?

I am writing letters to students who wrote to me.

I just finished teaching ten days of summer school in Milaca.

I am spending time with my grandpa. He is sick.

I spent a day with my best friend at the beach

Since my grandpa is sick, I've been visiting my grandma too. One day that included my uncle, my parents, and my family.

I replanted plants.

I've been running at sunrise to take advantage of the cooler temperatures.

I continue to read, trying to catch up on those newer books that might interest my students. I will start, "Wonder" next.

I went to a youth baseball game as a mom, and ran into Mr. Greninger, the opposing coach, and these two fourth grade teaching teammates. 

And I've been spending three to six hours a day preparing for the new school year. There is a wire-bound notebook to keep track of my lists (things to do, make, the 23 places that need me to write names on, the measurements for bulletin boards and windows ... ). This notebook is in my purse, so I can record my latest and greatest thoughts.

So thankful for my mom, her best friend, and my grandma, who volunteer their time to help me with "cut outs", as they call them. Starting my 19th year of teaching, and every year, they share hours of their time helping me prepare!

My children are also put to work. The new cursive books arrived. They unpacked them, counted them out into classroom sets. They are sorting my classroom library books, shelving dictionaries, scanning books for the on-line information to determine reading levels, removing staples, cleaning, and more. 

My husband came and fixed my wire shelving for my classroom library. 

This was my room when I left late this afternoon. It is a work in progress. 

Do you want to know what else? I am not the only teacher working in the building! There are one or two in each hallway. There is often a spouse, friend, or helper in those rooms too. I meet people coming into the building to grab materials to bring home, and people leaving with their arms full. 

I am starting to get excited for school ... Don't get me wrong, I like spending time with my children and family! I am enjoying all those summer activities!! There is a lot that goes into a school year, a lot of people who share their time and talents to make it happen, and the process started. July. 

See you soon!!