Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Today was an exciting day in fourth grade. As blogged about earlier, we've been immersed in technology. Ms. Leom's core students are typing up their autobiographies. Her flex students are researching dinosaurs, and her Social Studies classes are researching and creating a Midwest State Project. Today was special, because our first two students in Flex Reading and Social Studies finished their basic portion of their project. It meant they were ready for the extension opportunity, creating QR codes!

This is a BIG deal, not only for these two students, but for the rest of the class. There are students who are most successful when they can SEE what is involved and what the final project is like, when they KNOW someone personally who has successfully completed the steps. It creates their mind map, sets an example of the expectation, and gives them an exact idea of what they need to do.

It is also the first time we have used the iPads, combined with a computer, to create this multi-dimensional project. We are creating the road map for technology at Milaca Elementary School!!

First students need to practice reading their final draft several times to develop their fluency. Next, students need to read their paragraph into the microphone. Students copy the link and paste it into a QR generator site, before printing their QR Code.
Meanwhile, this group of students is working on their final draft.
 Once printing the QR Code, it is applied to the final project.
 Before we are finished, we need to test the QR Code and make sure it works. Using an iPad with a QR reader, we scan the code.
 Meanwhile, another student has practiced, recorded, and is creating her QR Codes.
 Finally, we are able to check our QR Code and listen. (It works!)
 Meanwhile, more students are practicing their fluency.

In Social Studies, two students finished their Midwest State Graphic Project. The QR Code project continues.

Ms. Leom's QR Code

Why do essentially the same QR Code process on two different projects?
We are using QR Codes on two different projects, because students learn best when they have opportunities to practice skills more than once. Students become more self assured (vocabulary word this week).

Why are students learning about QR Codes?
QR Codes are everywhere. They are on cereal boxes, toys, seed packets, in newspapers, magazines, and more. QR Codes are an optical label that contains information about the information attached. In the beginning, students recognize QR Codes. In the coming months, your fourth grader will notice them everywhere. If they use a QR scanner, they will have access to a variety of information. The potential ... limitless.

Where are the boys?
In both classes, they have been more social (interacting with friends) in the last two weeks, in a normal fourth grader tradition. There are many social girls as well! It was a fluke that the four students ready to start today were girls. Everyone is making healthy progress!

Download one of the many free QR Scanner APs. Keep an eye out for QR Codes when you come to conferences next week to learn more!


The Milaca Wrestling team is advancing the the State Tournament!! Today, we were invited to the school-wide pepfest to celebrate this exciting achievement!!

Mr. Greninger's class waiting for the festivities to begin
Mr. Greninger's class ready to begin!
 Our entire preschool through twelfth grades attended the pepfest. The band played. There were nearly 2000 people in our gyms!
 Mr. Westphal, our Activities Director welcomed us and introduced the coaches.
 Mr. Vedders, sixth grade teacher (also known as "Captain Olweus", our bully-free super hero) and co-wrestling coach with Mr. Hoeck, was on hand to introduce the team. Mr. Vedders talked about being part of our school and community and joining something. This group of student athletes joined wrestling without the promise or even idea of being a part of the state tournament. Along the way they developed friendships, made memories, experienced opportunities, and now are on their way to represent their school and community at the Minnesota State Wrestling Tournament!!

 Four of our athletes made it to the State Tournament as individuals!
 There was a video of the highlights of the season with descriptions of the character traits of what it takes to be successful. I think the elementary students were most inspired by the music and the sing-a-long opportunity ...
 At the end, the wrestling team gather together and lead us in a school-wide cheer. "Fourth grade. Fourth grade. Fourth, fourth, fourth, fourth, fourth grade!" Each grade had their chance to stand and chant.
 At the end, we all stood up as the pep band played our school song.
Good luck Wolves!! We are so PROUD of you!! Congratulations on your GREAT accomplishment and wish you well!

100 Days

This week, we celebrated our 100th day of school. Often it falls sometime around Valentine's Day week, and it shouldn't surprise anyone with the five cold weather days that it was later than usual.

Our first grade hallway really understands the beauty of 100 days ... and they go to great lengths to make the day one of a kind!
(first grade teachers)
Our room started with 100 kisses and some Tootsies ...
 Then the kisses were hidden around the room ...

 Students came into the room, the same routine as any day. They grabbed their morning work, sat down, and got to work ... (in theory) ... they walked into the room, grabbed their morning work, connected with their friends ... sat down and continued connecting ... noticed candy ... (they don't miss much) ... and started asking about those candies around the room ... soon NO ONE was in their seats, the great treasure hunt was on!
Several pairs of hands needed to count and tally our treasure ...
During different times of the day, students were able to enjoy a kiss from their teacher.

Later, we had some Tootsie Pops. Just how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? We decided to find out ...

There is a funny side story to insert here ... Ms. Leom started searching for her camera. She couldn't find it. "Anyone seen my camera?" The ENTIRE class exploded in giggles. The kind of giggles that makes a person smile at the contagious humor, a teacher's eyes change shape in her best investigating and searching for clues mode, and ears perking up to what is going to be a GREAT story! Someone says, "Mr. Lundeen has it!" Which is entirely possible ... the class just keeps licking and giggling away ... They are so proud of themselves for being in a joke and keeping the secret ... so Ms. Leom knows her camera is only "lost" to her ... and not wanting to miss a photo moment, she only has to decide ... mini pocket camera (with "iffy" batteries and takes for every between pictures) ... phone that is buried somewhere at the bottom of her purse ... or iPad ...

This photo moment is brought to you by our technology initiative ... iPad:

Apparently, Ms. Leom set her camera down in the hallway after snapping this picture ...
"Grandpa Joe" (aka Mrs. Blowers)
Mr. Grenigner saw her camera sitting there when Ms. Leom took his homeroom to the computer lab, so he put it in a locked drawer in his room to keep it safe. He brought it back in the afternoon. Milaca Elementary is a FABULOUS place to learn! We have AMAZING staff who make each day an experience!

As far as how many licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop ... over a thousand! Students were able to finish their Tootsie Pop any way they wanted to, it was time to design our own $100 and write about what we would buy. We had to explain our choices. It was fun to read all of the ideas!! Look for your fourth grader's thoughts in his or her conference folder!!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Fitness Fever

Every February, our Phy-Ed teachers organize Fitness Fever. They have had "some" experience with Minnesota Winters, and they appreciate our need to move and be active.

Originally, fourth grade was going to experience Fitness Fever on Friday. The weather and school closing postponed Fitness Fever to today.

The first hour of Fitness Fever is stations set up. Stations include basketball, scooters, an obstacle course, and more. Classes participate at each station.

There is plenty of time to hang out with your friends from you class and the other fourth grade classes.

 Then the tug-of-war begins. Classes compete against each other. Everyone cheers. The spectators sit on the floor and rest, their hands sore from their efforts.

 Everyone has memories of the tug-of-war! There is the rope burns, the effort, and the excitement.

Mrs. Beckmann organizes & tug-of-war schedule
 In the biggest surprise of all, Mrs. Beckmann announced the fourth grade teachers were going to compete!!
Mr. Greninger and Mr. Lundeen
Ms. Prose, Mrs. Arens, and Ms. Leom
Mr. Lundeen and Mr. Greninger are such hoaxers (recent vocabulary word), so Ms. Prose, Mrs. Arens, and Ms. Leom had their own little trick up their sleeve today ...

Just another fabulous fourth grade afternoon of learning and memories!! LOVE these students!!  BEST PLACE to spend a MONDAY ever!!!