Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The Team

The fourth grade team of teachers is filled with remarkable people of many interests and talents. We all sincerely enjoy teaching fourth graders and making our learning engaging and fun. What is interesting for one student, lacks luster for another. We work together to find the balance. We are better when we work together.

Mr. Lundeen, Ms. Hakes-Anderson, Ms. VonRuden (student teacher with Mr. Lyon), Mr. Lyon, Ms. Leom, Mrs. Arens, and Mr. Greninger
Go Team Fourth Grade!!!!!!

Open House

Before the sun set, these amazing families arrived to begin an amazing year of learning ... We had parents, siblings, grandparents, and friends make Open House a priority. With such amazing support, we are set for a fantastic year of learning!! Here is a peek of our extended learning community ...

Ms. Leom's mom and her best friend took her children through Open House
Mr. Greninger and his family attended Open House

Welcome to Fourth Grade!! Thank you for being involved!! I look forward to year of excellence in learning!!

Back to the Future

For the last month, in between my love of everything Olympics, I have been working on school and everything related. The last two weeks have included mornings in the classroom and afternoons and evenings at home, preparing, and adding to my many lists (things to DO, things to copy, things to discuss with the team, ideas to try ...)

Just before Open House, it all started to come together ...

We are back to school and moving ahead to a bright future of learning!