Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Track and Field

On Friday May 23, we had Track and Field Day. It was a beautiful day!

These are the moments I want to remember forever!

Action shot!

Mrs. Cronin takes a group
Ready. Set. GO!!!!


Love the smiles!

Love the personalities!

"Take a picture of me."
Water bottle duty.

"Take a picture of us!"
 We love the freezees!

Going for gold!

Ready for the relay!

the hand off

the Sprint

Even students who aren't always "thrilled" about the Track and Field events, find moments of fun. We appreciate the time and planning of the Phy-Ed teachers who make this day possible. We also appreciate the sixth grade Students of the Month who volunteer and run each event. The many parent volunteers who support our activities also share our gratitude. What a GREAT day!

Science Museum

The fourth grade classes traveled to the Science Museum of Minnesota on Friday May 9th. We arrived just in time to see the Omni Theater presentation about Dinosaurs. We ate lunch, then we were able to explore the museum.


We have to sort our lunch remains when we finish.
Looking at sand art

Love the tornado!


Viewing the Mississippi River
Television Broadcasting

Great memories!

Many experiments!

We love visiting the Science Museum and all the connections and opportunities it provides!