Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Guest Readers

On Wednesday morning, we welcomed guest readers into class. Mr. Meyer read, How the Grinch Stole Christmas to Ms. Prose and Ms. Leom's students.

 Then Mr. Voshell read the story to Mr. Lundeen and Mr. Greninger's students.

 After appreciating our guest readers and their skills, we started our learning skills for today. First, we talked about Author's Purpose and Perspective.

Next, we worked on Cause and Effect. Ms. Prose reread parts of the book for us to help with our skills. She shared her best tool for determining Cause and Effect. She finds the effect first, then she explains why the event happened (the cause). Ms. Leom shared her best tools, she uses clue words: "because", "as a result of", "so", and many more. Ms. Leom also writes the word, "Because" at the start of the cause section of the graphic organizer. It helps her brain sort the information. (These tips may not work or make sense to read about, but we hope for some students in the class, one of the tips might make some sense in his/her brain to be helpful).

It was another fun, Grinchy day in fourth grade! Special appreciation for our administrative staff! We only need to watch and listen to them read to realize they are TEACHERS first, and their "principal" titles are additional skills they use in our building.

Funny how "Grinchy" means crabby, selfish, mean, and other negative traits, yet during this week, our "Grinchy" learning is bringing out all the antonyms of the Grinch himself ... !

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