Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Book Projects

Today, we started presenting book projects. The first day is always slower, because it takes time to organize and many students benefit from being a part of the experience to appreciate how it works.

Here is how it looks like in Room E113! Ms. Leom pulls a random (tongue depressor-type) stick from her cup. That person is "up". The second stick she pulls, that person is "on deck". The student hands in the Book Project Approval Sheet for Ms. Leom to record comments and grade the presentation. Next, the presenter records his/her name on the board, the title of the book, and the project. Students in the audience are working on an "audience" paper. They record the information. They also determine if it is "a book I would like to read" or "I book that wouldn't be a good fit for me" by circling a "+" at the end of the book line or a "-". Students also determine if this is a project I would like (+) or one that isn't a good fit for me (-). The student begins the presentation. After the presentation ends, Ms. Leom takes a picture of each student and his or her project. "Hand models" may be used to include some specific pieces in the pictures. Ms. Leom picks the "on deck" name from her cup, and we turn to the "up" student and start our process all over again! Ms. Leom completes her comments, and makes copies to be able to input grades, and tries to return our papers by the end of the same day. 

These are today's presenters:

memory box


memory box


memory box


memory box

memory box
There were some amazing projects shared today! We LOVE how students can do the same project with different results. So many creative students (and families)!! We are excited to see many more tomorrow!!

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