Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

High School Helpers

This Quarter, Ms. Leom is THRILLED to have TWO high school helpers. She has a student helping in the morning and another student in the afternoons.

morning *MISS*
afternoon *MISTER*

 * Our blog does its best to maintain confidentiality of our students. These are not the names of our helpers, and we created a term to protect their privacy. Please ask your fourth grader to tell you more!

So what does a high school helper do ... ? The list is endless!

Today, our morning MISS organized our books orders. Then she worked on some spelling papers Ms. Leom needed help organizing. MISS has been creating writing portfolios for over a week.

In the afternoon, our afternoon MISTER put stickers on all of our Daily Language (you would be amazed at how much time it takes to stamp or sticker each paper ... there are days, where Mister has spent his entire HOUR on just one night worth of homework!!), then he fixed Ms. Leom's classroom library shelves. Next he started on conference folders. In addition to our classroom, MISTER is a mentor for a student in the elementary. He takes time each week to hang out listen and spend time with a student from another hallways that could benefit from having a role model.

The two hours these two students share is two hours that Ms. Leom isn't working on these details at home. TWO HOURS EACH NIGHT, over TEN HOURS each WEEK!!

Mr. Greninger also has an afternoon helper. Today, he was working with two students and helping them catch up on some homework from an absence.

Other jobs they do for our students:
- pass out papers
- help students in class
- give make up tests (with Ms. Leom's supervision)
- cut, sort, organize all the spelling sort assignments
- prepare class materials for student learning
- water plants
- clean and dust
- organize and label responsibility cards

The list is endless. They always arrive with a smile. They are dependable. They are amazing!! If you see these young adults in your community (your fourth grader will spy them long before you can even blink), please feel welcome to thank them for their service! Their time and efforts matter and directly impact YOUR fourth grade student!! This is a benefit and an advantage to being a Kindergarten through twelfth grade building! Sometimes we "hear" things about "those high school students". Please know, the benefits of sharing a building are many!!

So Thankful!

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