Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Thursday, February 2, 2017


This week, Ms. Leom's Olweus (bully prevention) class meeting was about those times you are annoyed. She tapped a pencil on the table to make her point. We brainstormed some ideas of how we can be our own advocate.

Sometimes, when people are annoying, it isn't about "you" at all. Sometimes they have their own conversations or song beats in their head that just tap their way outside their heads and into our space. Sometimes we can be less sensitive and use our words to communicate.

How does this fit into bully prevention? When you stand up to bullying, you need to find your voice. It is best to practice and use your voice on the daily matters, so you can be better prepared when it is a bigger event. Also, many of our students in fourth grade think that many things that happen to them and around them are about them, when often the original event isn't related or connected to "them". When you can view the overall event and how it isn't related to you, it is easier to walk away. We are building conversations and community.

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