Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Monday, February 27, 2017

MY Community

I LOVE living Milaca, the community where I teach and work! I love being at the grocery store, and running into kids ... attending church, and there are MY kids ... going to events, and more of my kids. I sometimes get busy in my "mom role", and I am not as attentive as during the school day, I still enjoy watching my kids with their friends and their families.

Last week, my mom role brought me to a girls basketball game where the youth girls were being honored and a boys basketball game where the youth boys were being honored. I love how our community comes together to share in these events.

The high school, varsity girls players, with no prompting, before the end of their half time, formed a tunnel to greet the players as they ran out to the floor! What GREAT kids we have at Milaca Schools that they value ALL participants!!

The fourth grade girls team and their coaches.

The Milaca Girls Youth Basketball players

The Varsity Girls honored Brenda Ruckert. Brenda is a paraprofessional in the high school. Most of the painting of words, walls, and more throughout our building are her work. Brenda is a Milaca graduate, and has dedicated her life to Milaca girls athletics as a coach, a referee, a line judge, an official, and more. She has organized countless fundraisers over the years to raise money for varies needs. At Tuesday's game, she was honored for her years of dedication to our school, students, and athletes.

Mr. Leom and Brenda
 On Friday night, the youth boys' basketball teams were recognized. It is exciting to watch this group of fourth graders at the game, because several of my former fourth graders are senior starters, and I can see the potential and future in my current students.

 The fourth grade boys team.

The Milaca Boys Basketball Youth Teams

My focus in this post was on the basketball program, because that is the recent event where I ran into so many students. I also am so proud of my hockey players, archery participants, wrestlers, swimmers, karate (masters), horseback riders, students who participate in 4H, and many more activities and events! Milaca is a great place to live!

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