Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Homework Club

This year, Ms. Leom unveiled something new for her classroom, Homework Club. She wanted an incentive to encourage students to complete their work on time.

The first eight days of the school year were practice. Students learned the routine and expectations. They earned stars everyday they completed their work on time. They can use the stars to purchase intials on their Responsibility Cards, pencils, or erasers. The stars come in a variety of colors, because Ms. Leom appreciates color. Students continue to earn stars everyday they turn in their work on time. Students even receive a reminder as Ms. Leom hands out stars, so if it was a "no name" paper, or forgotten in a folder, they have the opportunity to be successful. Students should be using their planner to keep track of the work they are completing and turning in as well ...

Starting on September 16th, Ms. Leom introduced the "Homework Club". In addition to earning stars, students who were caught up for 90% of a month, would be part of the Homework Club, and during one day of the first week in the new month, those students would be invited to eat lunch in the classroom with Ms. Leom. It took Ms. Leom another week to get completely organized. Student numbers show who continues to be a part of the club. When a student loses eligibility, his or her star is just turned over.

Students who are absent, have two school days for each day absent to complete their missing work. Ms. Leom checks planners at the end of every day. Unless a student was absent, she works hard to make sure students do not have more than three assignments (Math, Spelling, return-libary-books-like) in a night. She also realizes there are times when completing homework are out of a student's control, and therefore, students need to be successful 90% of the month. Homework Club only represents the learning for Ms. Leom.

The first Homework Club represented September 16-30th, ten days. Students were invited to lunch in the classroom to participate today.

Some members of September's Homework Club are not pictured. Some members chose to eat in the lunchroom. Other students (and parents) will appreciate a photo that was less than flattering, caught at the wrong moment of eating, was not posted. :)

Today is October 1, the start of a new month and a new Homework Club period. There are 18 school days in this month. Students need to have their work completed on time 16 days to participate. EVERY student is capable to participate and attend Homework Club.

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