Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Ms. Leom looks for ways to focus on the positive as much as she can. She offers clear ways students can earn initials
* weekly planner checks for her class where both Ms. Leom and an adult from home sign the planner daily
* "stars" for students in both classes, every day you have all your work turned in (5 stars can buy initials)

She also has a "chatty" class ... who struggle with line basics in the hallways. So she has students earning prizes. Everyday they walk to and from Specials quietly, with their hands to themselves, they can earn a prize in our line basics bucket. When there is one prize for each student, the class wins the prize. Some days, with Reading Buddies, Split Specials, and special events (vision checks, benchmark testing, etc.), students can earn two or three in a day. In this strategy, students can meet their goal within ten to twelve school days.

On Tuesday, we finally accomplished our goal!

Students earned their M&Ms and ate them at the end of the day as they were working.

A funny story related to our earning our M&Ms ... there were days Ms. Leom "needed a little bit of chocolate" during the day, so she would open a small bag. She threw the garbage away when she finished. Soon students were patrolling the garbage and would "mention" when they saw a bag in the garbage. They were worried she was eating all of their prizes! No worries! Since she provided the treats, she just went to the store and purchased another big bag for the reward.

We are starting a new reward. Please ask your child what we are collecting this time - they have to earn the first item to know the goal.

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