Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

the Unexpected

One of the advantages of TEAM teaching is those moments that can not be planned ... explained ... or prepared for ...

Take this afternoon. We were returning from lunch. Some students were finishing up in the bathrooms. Some students were gathering their materials to switch to Science or Social, and without warning (for anyone involved), someone was sick (the kind that requires a phone call to the custodian to provide assistance).

Before, we continue, a moment of THANKS for our school SECRETARIES that answer the phone and dispatch the necessary staff members in moments of need!! THANKS to the CUSTODIANS who show up - often with a smile even - and do the job that most others (literally) run away from!!! THANKS to the school NURSES who provide comfort, contact families, and help provide a safe place until "HOME" can arrive. THANKS to our families who drop what they are doing and arrive to save the day!!

So today, two classrooms of fourth graders joined one room. Directions were given, and students settled in for an unplanned lesson and work time (depending on their learning needs). Across the hallway, the other teacher was able to provide comfort to the student in need, help the custodian finish up, and get everything organized so our learning routine could continue.

SO PROUD of our fourth graders!! SO RESPECTFUL, PATIENT, and FLEXIBLE. No one would ever want to be sick away from home, and to be surrounded by your peers, was less than ideal.

There are a million moments each week that make me SO PROUD to be a part of THIS school, THIS community, and surrounded by THESE individuals. Here is just one snapshot.

Expect the unexpected ... So proud!

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