Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Upcoming Events

April and May are a whole new level of dates and events to know in fourth grade. Here is some details.

* Parents and Families are welcome

Apr. 1-30 ~ * Blue Ribbon Hunt begins
April is Child Abuse Awareness month. 

Poster Contest
Every April, fourth and fifth graders create Child Abuse Prevention posters in Art. There is a contest and students can win prizes. 

Blue Ribbon Hunt *
Mrs. Stupar, our social worker in the Elementary, connects with different community members to post ten blue ribbons around town. Interested students and families can drive around town and record the message at each location. Student turn in their blue ribbon hunt messages before May 1, and on May 12th, students and a family member are invited to school for ice cream. Social workers from Mille Lacs County serve up the treats. There are many families who participate, and it is always fun to meet in the Elementary Cafeteria for a sweet treat.

Apr. 6, 10, 20 ~ MCA Testing at 8:30 AM
The Minnesota Department of Education tests all fourth grade students. The tests are given during the school day. Preliminary scores are given soon after testing. All scores need to be verified by the state and are released after July each year. Schools receive the scores in August and send them out when students return to school in September. These tests only reflect the learning of Minnesota students. Our students take these tests on the lap top computers. It is very carefully scripted.

April 7 - May 9 ~ Poetry Unit
In fourth grade, over a decade ago, we realized our curriculum was lacking in the poetry genre. We adopted a unit that is a favorite. We begin by reading poems and selecting a poem to memorize (see Poetry Cafe below). Then students transform their writing notebook into their Poetry Notebook. We decorate the cover, add a grade sheet to the inside cover, set up a table of contents, add our memorization poem, and begin writing poems in several different styles. We enjoy the opportunities to draw, illustrate, collaborate with our peers, and play with words and language. Although completed in class, our Poetry Books are graded and a large portion of our writing grade for the fourth quarter. Students who miss class, may need to take it home to keep up.

Apr. 14 & 17 ~ * No School: Spring Break
Enjoy your time!
Apr. 19 ~ White-Out Wednesday (wear white)
It is a tradition at Milaca Schools to wear white on Wednesdays to stand up for creating a safe, bully-free environment. All students and staff are encouraged to wear white on (usually) the third Wednesday of the month.

Apr. 21 ~ * PTO Track & Field T-shirt order due (optional)
In the Fall of 2016, the Milaca PTO tried a new idea of fundraising and had an activity day. It was successful, but the PTO determined they could make some changes to improve it. For example, the Fall is a difficult time in the school year for many families financially. By moving the Fitness Challenge to the Spring, and tying it into the the traditional Track and Field event, organizers thought it was a better plan. Many families were interested in Milaca t-shirts, so it seemed to be a good idea to pair the opportunity. Purchasing a t-shirt is optional.

May 2 & 3 ~ MAP Testing
We give the MAP Test three times a year, in early September, mid-January, and early May. The NWEA (MAP) Test is a national normed test, meaning schools throughout every state in the United States participate in this test. It is helpful, because it shows progress over time. We can see trends. We use this test for instructional decision making. It helps us determine if a student needs more support, like Summer School, After School Tutoring, Title One, or other extension opportunities during the calendar year. It also helps us look at our curriculum and look for areas we need to supplement or develop. The scores are immediate and indicate specific strands for each student with low, average, high scoring that help communicate student skills. Our students take these tests on the iPads or laptops.

May 5 ~ * Beach Day (picnic lunch in classroom at 12:00-12:20 PM)
Students are invited to wear their school appropriate beach wear (think Hawaiian prints or t-shirts, shorts, flip-flops, summer hats, and sunglasses) and bring in a beach towel. We move the tables and desks to the side and settle in for some reading. We have a "reading marathon". Students bring in a book to read for the day. They have a "reading marathon map". Students read for twenty minutes, then work on their map for twenty minutes during the day. Students still have math and specials (where towels, hats, and sunglasses are stowed until they return back to the beach). At lunch, we have a picnic in the classroom. Students are invited to bring their hot lunch trays or lunches from home (remember to be  peanut free). We lay out our towels and eat at Beach Leom. Parents are invited to join us. We have some beach-like music. After lunch, it is back to the reading marathon. It is a fun day and a Leom classroom tradition going back two decades.

May 9 ~ * Poetry Cafe in Dahlager Theater (morning)
In early April, students select a poem to memorize. They copy the poem twice. Once for their Poetry Notebook and a copy for home. Students are encouraged to read the poem every morning when they wake up, before going to school, and every night before they go to bed. We also have several strategies we use IN school to practice and learn our poems. On May 9th, Mr. Greninger and Ms. Leom's classes will walk down to Dahlager Theater in Milaca High School and recite their memorized poem ON STAGE!!! This is a fourth grade tradition that can include some anxiety, but speaking in front of the public is a life skill ... as a parent advocating for their child ... members of faith communities ... in many careers of being a business owner, lawyer, teacher, and more. All six fourth grade classes will be presenting their own Poetry Cafe. Exact times will be posted and invitations sent closer to the date. This is a great event for grandparents and family friends.

May 10 ~ Band Instrument Try-out (in school)
The Milaca Community is proud of our band program. We support four marching bands: the fifth and sixth graders, the junior high band, the high school band, and the Alumni band. Our high school band is the largest marching band of any school or community in the entire state of Minnesota. We are also an award winning band, not only in marching, but in concert, symphonic, jazz, and individual musicians. Our graduates have gone on to professional careers around the nation. To develop such skills, band starts in music classes when students learn the recorder. At the end of fourth grade, Eckroth Music brings in retired band teachers to our school. They set up stations in Mr. Garber's junior high band room, and fourth graders are invited to try all the instruments. Students are given a mini lesson as to how to produce sound, and they are given feedback as they attempt to play the instruments. Students are given scores as to what instruments are a good fit for each student. The information is shared with Mr. Garber, and a copy is sent home to parents with their student. (See below for the next step, the Band Parent Meeting, in the process).

May 12 ~ * Blue Ribbon Ice Cream Social
Students who participated in the Blue Ribbon Hunt (above) are invited to eat ice cream. Individual invitations are sent home with the date and time for your child and their grade.

May 16 ~ * Band Parent Meeting @ 7:00 PM in Dahlager Theater
Parents and their student are invited to a short meeting with Mr. Garber and representatives from Eckroth Music. Mr. Garber talks about fifth grade band. Eckroth talks about their rental program. There is a question and answer period. Families can sign up for band rental at the meeting. If the financial details are a concern, this is a great time to connect with Mr. Garber and ask for his help in making connections. In Milaca, band is a great activity for students to make friends and get involved in their school.

May 17 ~ * Track & Field Day @ 1:00-2:50 PM on Track
Students travel in groups of four to different events around the track. We appreciate and depend on parent volunteers to help keep us organized and use our time well. Background checks are necessary for this event. No parent is turned away. If we have "too many volunteers", some groups just benefit from extra cheerleaders! Icee treats are donated for students, and they are a favorite part of these events. Sunscreen is often encouraged. These are where some of the best elementary memories are made.

May 18 ~ (*) Field Trip to Science Museum of MN
The Science Museum of Minnesota is a fourth grade tradition. Students arrive at 8:00. We are on the buses and off the school property by 8:20 AM. Usually, we arrive at the Science Museum and immediately run to the Omni Theater to catch the latest in Omni movies. Then there is lunch and time to explore the museum. here is no time or need to visit the gift shop or any of the dining places on site, so students shouldn't need to bring any money. We are on the buses by 1:30 for our return to school Students return before 3:00, and they are able to go home by their usual transportation. The Museum strictly limits our chaperones. We are only allowed three chaperones per class (*). For classes with paraprofessionals (Arens, Lundeen, Hakes-Anderson), parent chaperones may not be an option this year to meet the confidential needs of students. Chaperones need to have a background check on file. Chaperones usually have groups of 8 students. The permission slip will be sent home several weeks before the trip and will have space to indicate an interest in chaperoning. Background checks will checked, and chaperones will be selected and contacted. 

May 24 ~ * Book Breakfast @ 9:30 AM in Elementary Courtyard (weather permitting)
In May, students begin writing their own book! We plan it, write it, revise it, and create a final draft. Then we sew the binding and create a hard cover. We celebrate our work with a Book Breakfast in the Elementary Courtyard. This is a Leom Tradition going back twenty years. This is another great event for grandparents, younger siblings who are at home, or family friends. Guests show their photo identification in the office, and walk down the hall into the courtyard. Families read their author's books, and often enjoy the work by other budding writers. Students often like to have comments recorded in the backs of their books with the signature of the reader. We invite families to donate "breakfast foods" of mini donuts, cookies, juice, milk, and the like. It is also a great time to empty your cupboards of random napkins, mini plates, and cups. We will put a plan in place for our peanut allergy awareness and share the details closer to the event. The Book Breakfast is scheduled for an hour, but the fourth graders tend to get more active after forty-five minutes, and we begin winding down and cleaning up.

Other events:
- Growing Up Talks -
Ms. Leom has been working with the nurses' office since February. No date has been set. A formal letter will be sent home with details before the event. The boys are reminded to brush their teeth, shower, wear deodorant, then they return to their regularly scheduled learning. The boys will meet for a growing up talk in fifth grade. Meanwhile, a nurse from Public Health visits Milaca Elementary to meet with the girls. She talks about the body, the changes, and answers basic questions. For all participants, many additional questions are encouraged to be asked to adults at home. Information about accessing the materials prior to the conversation will be shared in the parent letter, and further questions at that time can be shared with the school nurses' office.

- End of the Year Celebration -
Usually on the last day of school, fourth grade does something "epic". In the past, we have had a kick ball tournament at Rec Park, played at Trimble Park, or took in a movie at the Milaca Movie Theater. Each year is different, and we won't know until a week or two before the big day. More information will be available when I know.

- Packing Up -
The Milaca Schools are undergoing some major renovations this summer! It will be a hard hat zone and the building will be unavailable to staff and students. Teachers will be packing up EVERY LAST ITEM in their rooms, boxing it all up, and moving everything into storage. Ms. Leom even needs to make plans for her crayon storage, as the might melt with different storage options! The last week or so, we will be packing up and preparing for this big change. Students will not be doing any heavy lifting or other related work. Our custodial crew is prepared and up for the task. Some light cleaning and organizing that we always do will be part of our end of the year wrap up.

More events may develop or change as opportunities and time provides or prevents.

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