Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Poetry Cafe

One skill we develop in fourth grade is our public speaking skill. We provide many types of practice, from Student of the Week, to Book Projects, State Projects, and more! Students speak in front of their class and in front of small groups. They present formally, by standing in front of the group and casually by sitting with a group. Students present with props and displays and without. At the end of the year, we celebrate our progress at Poetry Cafe.

At Poetry Cafe, we combine our poetry learning unit with our speaking development. Our students select a poem to memorize, practice, and then share it from the Milaca High School Dahlager Theater Stage.
Ms. Prose started out the poems by sharing a poem by Muhammad Ali, "Stay in College, get the knowledge, stay there until you are through. If they can make penicillin out of moldy bread, they can sure make something of you!"
Our speakers.

Students of Ms. Leom, Ms. Prose, Mrs. Arens A-L
Students of Mr. Greninger, Mr. Lundeen, Mrs. Arens M-Z
Why does speaking matter? Our students dream of being lawyers, teachers, or maybe business owners. Maybe they will have the important roles of speaking in front of their faith community ... being a parent and advocating for their child ... or standing up for a cause they believe in. Their dreams and message matter. We want them to have the basic tools to have their message heard.

The fourth grade teaching team is VERY PROUD of our learners and their progress! They were brilliant today! Congratulations!!

A special thank you to all of our parents, families, and special guests who were able to share in our special day!

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