Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Field Trip

On Friday May 1, we loaded three school buses to head to the Science Museum of Minnesota. Here is the story of our day.
Ms. Sherri and Ms. Jodi, two of our paras were able to join us
 When we arrived, after a quick stop at the restrooms, we watched an Omni movie.

After the movie, we were able to walk by the main entrance to the Science Museum. We saw the poster advertising the Omni movie and the dinosaur that greets the visitors.

 Next, we traveled down the musical staircase. Each time someone takes a step, there is a note played. When you have a group of people moving on the staircase, there is a song.

Lunch in the cafeteria of the Science Museum was next.

Finally, it was time to see the exhibits! Our chaperones gathered together their groups, and we were off to explore!

We love the Science Museum! There are all types of things to see, hear, touch, feel, sometimes smell, and experience!!

There was a giant space suit that was three stories high. Students could visit a booth and have their picture captured. It would show up on the face mask. On the chest, was a place where your name could be displayed. It only last a minute or two, then someone else was featured. Meanwhile, a video played between guests.

One exhibit, simulated a sneeze. Students loved surprising unsuspecting friends and enjoying their reactions. This area was all about the human body. Fun memories!

We tried to put students together in groups with their friends. There were many moments of fun together.

Another area, invited students into the lab to conduct experiments. This is a favorite experience for many of our students!

The Science Museum also has many volunteers who do demonstrations with small groups of students. These interactions offer opportunities to ask questions and meet students at their individual learning interests.

 Mr. Greninger and Ms. Leom were able to join the groups and share in individual discoveries. It is fun to spend time with students and see what amazes and inspires each one!

Counting the rings of this tree

A new addition to the Science Museum is this tape maze. Students were able to run, crawl, and explore this space. It looked like a lot of fun!

Another favorite place to visit is the mummy. It has been moved from the back corner to the human body exhibit. There is a volunteer available to answer questions and share what we know.

Another area of the Science Museum offers opportunities to explore different types of weather. The tornado experiment is always fun for students!

Dinosaur fossil displays are always interesting too. It is fun when we have a better idea as to the process that these bones have traveled before they were posed for the museum, from our earlier "Digging Up Tyrannosaurus Rex" book and learning.

The Science Museum also has a cast of actors and actresses that perform different skits to teach about various scientific principals. In one skit some of our students watched, they were learning about what makes one sphere bounce higher than another.

The Science Museum is a perfect place for kids. It understands that they learn by exploring with their hole bodies. In this exhibit they were looking at proportions and mirrors.

 There are just too many things to see and do to see and do it all in one day! After two hours of exploring, it was time to load back onto the bus and head home. Here are some images of our different groups leaving the Science Museum and heading to the buses.

The Milaca Fourth Grade Teachers: Mr. Lundeen, Mr. Greninger,
Mrs. Arens, Ms. Prose, Ms. Leom, Mrs. Hakes-Anderson

On our way home, just before the last stop light leaving Elk River, one of our buses lost a tire. We safely exited the road and stopped. The drivers and teachers were able to connect with two Milaca buses that were five minutes behind us. Some high school students had a field trip to the Festival of Nations. All the students and staff were evacuated from the bus with the flat tire, and we were on our way home. We arrived with five minutes to spare, and students immediately got on the buses for home.

It was a great day of learning and friendship! Thank you to all of our volunteers! It matters!

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