Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Need a book?

This week, fourth graders in Ms. Leom's Flex Reading class needed an historical fiction book for their book project approval. EVERY effort was made to help students be successful:

* Students learned about the assignment on Monday morning before lunch. The assignment was due on Friday.

* Each student who is working on a book project was given a list of series that would work.

* Ms. Leom has a basket IN her classroom library labeled "historical fiction" books

* We are reading historical fiction books IN flex, students were able to check out the books at the end of the school day and return them early the next day, as long as it was NOT the same book they were using in Flex (The Book Project is a "home" activity, and if students read the SAME book we are reading and discussing in class, they are losing on the opportunity to develop their skills at home.)

* Both classes had Book Check-Out on Thursday morning, and students could check out a book. Mrs. Vickers was available to help students find a book

* Mr. Greninger helped students in his classroom, using his library find books, and when in doubt, met with Ms. Leom to clarify details

* Ms. Leom sent students to the Media Center additional mornings as needed

* When a student asked for suggestions, Ms. Leom took the first five minutes of Specials and checked the book out in her name

EVERY student who connected with Mr. Greninger and Ms. Leom for support was helped. There were MANY opportunities and creative solutions for each student to be successful.

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