Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Ms. Stupar

This is Ms. Stupar (pictured on the right with Ms. Leom on the left).

Ms. Stupar is our Milaca Elementary Social Worker, or "genius behind the scenes". We have two social workers in the elementary school, and in the intermediate grades, we are thrilled to have Ms. Stupar as part of our team.

Often times, families hear "social worker", and they feel an unease. Ms. Stupar embodies everything safe and good about school. She works behind the scenes and on the front lines to advocate for students.

If a student is having a problem with friends, she can help talk it out and work for a solution.

If someone is lonely, scared, anxious, angry, or has other feelings that are hard to find words, she is the go-to to help translate and make sense of the mixed messages we feel.

When families are experiencing changes, she can help students navigate the experience and connect with other resources. Brand new to school, she makes a point to introduce herself and give students a tour.

This year, Trinity Lutheran Church Youth Group is organizing snack packs for students who may need more food support over weekends. Ms. Stupar is our school liason and organizes it.

Students need school materials, a coat in the winter, boots, or other materials, she keeps track of our donations and helps students get what they need.

As a parent, having issues with your child, not sure where to turn, what to do, and need some help, she answers those questions too in a very caring, non-judgmental, no-nonsense way.

She organizes our Olweus Program and oversees our workshops and training for our Bully-free prevention plan in our school.

Our April National Child Abuse Prevention Month, she sets up the blue ribbons around town, sends out all the blue sheets, organizes the volunteers and ice cream.

There are so many more details to her job. There is not enough time or space to share the confidential ways she impacts our school and makes it the special place for ALL of our students and families.

Recently, Ms. Stupar earned her Masters' Degree in Social Work. This is quite the program and speaks of her dedication to being a leader and to continue striving to be better at what she already does well.

If you happen to run into her in the halls, at Track and Field, at the upcoming Book Breakfast, or out and about, please make a point to say, "Thank you."

When you hear other people talk about social workers, please make sure you advocate for the value and importance. We are so thankful that Milaca Schools values the WHOLE child and everything involved in being a successful learner. For us, Ms. Stupar is one of the unsung heroes.

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