Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

In the Beginning

It has been a busy morning already! I just have a few pictures of the highlights, but I was so involved in all the details, there are moments that were missed!

We started the day with the announcements. Mrs. Vickers, our media specialist is amazing, and this was a clip from Mr. Voshell and Mr. Meyer, our administrators, welcoming us back!

Then Ms. Leom taught us how to tuck in our chairs and quietly transition. We sat on the floor and sang our special fourth grade birthday song. We had a class birthday on Sunday September 6th, so it fit perfectly! Students receive a birthday card and pencil on their special day! Ask your fourth grader to sing the song to you (if they are stuck try to hum the theme for the "Lone Ranger" :) ). We introduced ourselves and told something we wanted to share. Ms. Leom shared how she went for a run in the rain before sunrise and had to run home early when lightning lit her path!

Ms. Leom likes movement. Some listening, then some movement. So we practiced what to do for a firedrill.
We lined up in the classroom.
We walked past the big playground.

We stood near the fence, so she can take attendance.

We also practiced what we do in a Lock-Down situation (sit in the back corner of the room) while she locks the doors and closes the shades.

Next, she had us practice what we do during Severe Weather.
We usually take cover by our lockers.
 That was all before NINE!! Next thing we know, Mr. Lyon and Mrs. Arens brought their classes into our room ... Ms. Leom "left for a meeting with Mr. Voshell" and in walked a "new student", K.I.Dee. She was nothing but trouble! Anything you shouldn't do, she did! Mrs. Arens and Mr. Lyon were busy helping this fourth grader figure it out. We learned all about responsibility cards and rewards. Be sure to ask your fourth grader to tell you more!
We took a bathroom break next and learned about the expectations. Then we took a tour of the school.
 We visited the nurses' office and learned we should probably bring our own chapstick to school. Ms. Leom also pointed out the Milaca Hall of Fame. Someday, she wouldn't be surprised to see several of us featured, because Milaca students and community members go out into the world and accomplish great things, and she can see that potential in us!

We had our first assignment after that. We worked on creating family posters. Ms. Leom pulled one table at a time to help us organize our cubbies and label our materials for each class. As a full group, we organized our pencil boxes next.

Then it was time to learn about our weekly reading calendars. Your child will be bringing this green page home.

We had some more work time. She went over a few more details, then it was time for Recess. What an amazing group of students! What an incredible morning!! We are on our way to a FABULOUS year!!

Check back soon! We are just beginning!! :)

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