Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


K.I.Dee is a character. Really. She is a "new" student that does not know the rules of school. Apparently she arrived for a visit today. Ms. Leom was "in a meeting with Mr. Voshell" and missed the whole thing. Luckily, Mr. Lyon took pictures, and Mr. Greninger's class was able to fill Ms. Leom in on the chaos that is K.I.Dee.

K.I.Dee arrived with her song blaring through her headphones, dancing, singing badly, and plopped into her seat, shoving a second piece of gum into her mouth, dropping the wrapper on the floor, propping her feet on the table, and taking a selfie to text to her BFF and mom ...

Mrs. Arens was having none of that and took her phone and headphones. 

Apparently, rolling your eyes, heavy sighing, pencil tapping, and laying your head on your desk are not acceptable or welcome in fourth grade ...

Getting up and wandering during class ... grabbing other students' things and taking them for your own ... also not ok ...

Finally, Mrs. Arens, thought K.I.Dee should introduce herself to Mr. Voshell, our principal.

Ms. Leom was sure she passed K.I.Dee skipping down the hall on her way to class. We finished with a discussion about Responsibility Cards, Fourth Grade Rewards, and the opportunity to ask questions about both. Ask your fourth grader to tell you more!

Despite the silly and the exaggerated fun, this grabs students attention and opens the door for us to talk seriously about Responsibility Cards, our fourth grade rewards, and our expectations. We have anywhere from 12 to 20 rewards in a school year. They include swimming, hiking the trails, extra recess time, craft rooms, game day, and more. Responsibility Cards are the "ticket" to attend. Students start with twenty circles (credit). They can earn "initials" (additional credit) for responsible choices; like helping the lost kindergarten student find her classroom, picking up a spilled pencil box of items, being ready to go, and MUCH more. Students can earn punches (they take the paper punch and punch a hole in their card) for poor choices: a missing assignment, being disrespectful, or other concerning choices. To attend the reward, students need to have more credit than holes, need to be all caught up with their learning, and need to have followed the school behavior plan with limited Stop and Think 10s and no Behavior Referrals in that reward period. The exact details of our Responsibility Cards where shared in student folders at Open House. We talked about keeping your card safe in the back of your planner, how notes from home don't work, and we answered questions.

(Wait until next week! It is rumored that another character - with SUPER HERO skills will be arriving to eradicate ... getting ahead of myself. Stay tuned! You never know who will visit our classroom!!!)

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