Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Passport Training

We had Passport Training in fourth grade this morning. Staff members came into our classrooms and reviewed the expectations in the different areas of our school day.

Mrs. Jensen from the Planning Room talked about the bathroom and sinks expectations
Travis from the buses came to review how we can stay safe waiting for the bus, on the bus, and getting off the bus
Officer Shaw
Principal Voshell talked to us about the lunchroom
Principal Voshell is an experienced teacher and engaged our classroom
Mr. Meyer talked about the playground
Mrs. Mickelson, a para in the Media Center, talked about the hallways
The expectations will be posted in all of these areas. The "new" information for our students was from Officer Shaw. We want students to be successful and avoid any reason to see Officer Shaw related to breaking laws. He introduced us to the word, "assault", when you touch someone when they don't want to be touched. At ten years old in Minnesota, you can be charged with a crime, because the state feels ten year olds know the difference between right and wrong. 

Then Officer Shaw talked about "what you can bring to school" and "what should stay home". We brainstormed lists of things that should stay home: knives (plastic, wood, real, fake), guns, even fake grenades, lighters, matches, tobacco, alcohol. He told us that pens and pencils that are used for writing are welcome, but if we use them to hurt another student, it can be considered a "weapon". Officer Shaw explained that we have many working families that NEED to use pocket knives and tools, to cut open hale bales for example, and when working on your chores, it is easy to slide the pocket knife into your jacket pocket, forget about it, and realize you have with you in school! If this happens, let an adult know. They will bring it to the office, and parents can come pick the item up. There won't be any consequences. We value our hard working students and families. We respect the necessary tools of their hard work, and we want to maintain the rules and safety of our school, so we have a plan to support our families and our school rules.

Our students were active participants, sharing examples, ideas, and asking great questions. So Proud!!

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