Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Monday, October 7, 2019


The first week of October was our first fluency week. Our Reading learning is divided into three week units. The first week includes reading and metacognition (thinking) strategies. The second week is a genre study. The third week is a fluency skill.

Our fluency goal is "I can read so it sounds like natural talking". Our focus this week was varying our speed our pace. We naturally do this depending on how well we know the text or have to sound out words. It can be helpful to know a lot about the text. We purposely change our pace to match the emotions and action happening in the text. To be able to change our pace well, we need to practice and reread many times.

Students started their practice reading a one page text about Cats and Dogs with a partner. We sat in EEKK position (elbow to elbow, knee to knee). This is our second day of practice.

 After we read it through as many times as we could - using our best changing our pace to fit the text - we used our iPads to record our "best" reading.

Then it was time to watch our work and self reflect about how we were changing our pace.

 Our best learning benefits from collaborating with ours and our own opportunities to reflect and think about our learning.

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