Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Setting Goals

We are taking responsibility for our learning.

First, Ms. Leom introduces our goal and explains the standard we are learning.

Next, she has us rate what we know.

0- I am not making an effort or paying attention.
1- I don't understand the skill at all. I need to ask for help.
2 - I am not sure I am using the skill well or able to explain it. I need to ask questions to clarify.
3 - I can usually use the skill and explain it.
4 - I can model the skill, use it, teach it to someone else, and answer questions. 

On each of our desks, next to our super hero name tag is the scale:

We are encouraged to set a goal, to improve our learning at least one step. Our ultimate goal should be a three or four for every lesson.

After our lesson, and practice (which could take more than one day), we rate ourselves again. We compare our ratings. We ask ourselves questions (in development).

This process is a work in progress. Ms. Leom is giving us some language and opportunities to be active and engaged in our learning. She can be prepared with the best lesson, but if we are at a step 0, passive and not actively working to develop our learning, even her best may not be enough. 

We are setting goals to learn and improve, one lesson at a time. 

We matter. Our learning matters. 

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