Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Act of Kindness

In the month of October, Milaca Schools recognizes National Bully Prevention month. We have many activities. On Tuesdays, we are encouraged to work on Random Acts of Kindness. This week, Ms. Leom started our latest project.

One of our Milaca Schools graduates, Grant is currently in San Diego, California. He is working the Marine Boot Camp experience. Ms. Leom knew Grant from his kindergarten, through fourth grade, and his high school experience. He was in band, cross country, basketball, and track. After college, he decided to serve his country.

For our kindness this week, we are writing him letters of support and encouragement. It is a great opportunity for us! We learn about letter writing. We are learning about a career possibility in the military. We are supporting someone who is far from home and can benefit from our time and words of encouragement. The marines have very specific rules about the letters they receive (no fancy colors, pictures, or embellishments). We are learning about following rules, even if we don't understand or know the reasons why.

We also talked about how, we aren't writing to Grant for a response. If he has the opportunity to write, we would like him to write to his wife, or his parents. He is busy, receiving the training for his new role. If he writes to us, it would be fun to hear from him, but we have no expectations of a response. This is what makes it an act of kindness, to do something for someone else without an expectation in return.

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