Then students were randomly (popsicle sticks) placed into pairs to read the text. They were given sticky notes to record the evidence from the text of the features of a biography. Note, the students were welcome to move about the room.
When most of the students had finished reading and had time to begin finding the features of a biography in the text (students read at many different paces, so being aware of the varied learning happening), we met as a group to discuss. We talked about the main idea and the features. We looked at the headings that are used in the biography, and how they organize the information. We also talked about first person accounts and second hand accounts. We looked on the last page of the text that gave a first person account of the first Thanksgiving. To read this content, we developed our background knowledge, there were not multiple copies of dictionaries in the time of Squanto, so people spelled as it sounded. We also used what we know, about hunting to interpret and access the text. We had great class discussions and continue to develop our reading of complex texts.
This text has many opportunities to develop further reading skills, and we will return to it with some rereading.
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