Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Gradual Release

In class, we use a technique to help students learn. We call it the "gradual release of learning". What this means, in the beginning of the lesson, the teacher strongly models and "thinks aloud" through the skills. As we develop the skill, over time, the teacher does less of the "work", and the student takes more responsibility. The goal is the student is independently able to apply the skill by the end of the lesson. In between, peers and the teacher provide direct feedback and support to clarify and grow.

On Monday, Ms. Leom modeled sequence. She "read" the Water Cycle. She looked at the headings and the arrows. We took notes on the "tools" we use to determine sequence. Often the words, "first, next, then, and finally" or their synonyms are helpful. Students can also use dates.

On the second day, we read "Treating Insect Bites and Stings". Together started. We circled the key words and underlined the text. We wrote the sequence on the bottom.

On the third day, we read "Nikola Tesla". We reviewed circling a key word, today it was a date. We underlined the important text relating to the date. Students worked with a classmate to identify the dates and the key information. We met and discussed their experience. We ordered the notes and talked about the one date that was used as part of a name,  so we need to use critical thinking to determine what fits our purpose.

On the fourth day, we read "A Need to Build". We reviewed our purpose, to find the sequence of events. We use key words. Students worked independently. As they came up with ideas and questions ... "I noticed it starts with a date ..." Our class discussion had us check our details with the title, and we decided the information with the date was related to our purpose.

Today we had some deeper questions, that apply the sequence skills.
Tomorrow, we will apply our learning to write our own paragraph that uses sequence of events. 

We want students to independently use the skills as it applies to the books they read.

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