Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Clear Expectations

Clear expectations for students is important. For example, one area we have clear expectations is the materials students need when switching classes.

On the first day of Language Arts with Ms. Leom (Wednesday), each student received a copy and were encouraged to put it in the clear folders in the back of his or her planners. We practiced coming to class prepared for three days. 

On Monday, students would need to pay a punch in their Responsibility Card if they forget their materials.

Please note, there are marker, crayons, pencils, glue, and a process for borrowing a scissors in class. 

We WANT students to be successful. We want students to be responsible. We do our best to communicate clearly and practice the expectations. 

As we talk about "worse case scenario", you take a punch, we aren't worried about one punch. If you are taking three or four punches for the same reason, then we need to make a new plan. The strategy or process you are using is not working for you. 

Each student is an individual. We know that we need to make adjustments. Starting with clear expectations helps us identify students that need more support or an altered plan. 

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