Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Reading in Spelling

Each week, we have their opportunity to read text that includes examples of our weekly spelling pattern. This week our spelling pattern is "comparative suffixes -er and -est".

We pass out the paper. We write our name on the top. Then we write the pattern on the top of the paper. When we write the pattern, it helps us focus on the lesson and our learning goal.

Ms. Leom models the expectations. We read the title. We look for the pattern. She underlines the pattern. We write the pattern above the word.

We also talk about an example that is NOT the pattern. For example, "glider" (like a paper airplane) ends with an "-er", but it isn't a comparative suffix. Ms. Leom tries to find a way to explain it in fourth grade words. She says, that when you can compare, you can use the word itself, the -er ending, and -est ending. Glider doesn't work for the -est ending. We try the word slow. It works. We can use the base word, slow, the -er word, slower, and the -est word, slowest. 

Now we have our goal, and an idea that an "-er" ending doesn't guarantee it is a comparative suffix. Ms. Leom goes over the steps (recorded in on the board). She also goes through the number of examples in each paragraph, so we become familiar with paragraph groupings, and we know our goal. She selects our partners, then we go to work. She walks around as we work. In the beginning she is "just" taking pictures (and listening very carefully to our conversations, monitoring our understanding and coaching us if we need it).

By the fourth day of the week, we are familiar with the pattern. The directions and expectations are clearly modeled and our steps are recorded on the board. Everyone is engaged and actively participating in the activity. Ms. Leom continues to walk around the room and monitor our progress and conversations. She is beginning to prepare for our next lesson as we finish up. This is a Spelling learning activity we will do weekly for the rest of the year. Sometimes we will work with partners, other times independently, and check our learning with a partner. We are encouraged to move about the room. We are fourth graders and ready to Read in Spelling.

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