Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Parent Night

On Monday night, in Dahlager Theater, the Milaca Fourth Grade Teachers, with help from our Elementary Media Specialist, Mrs. Vickers, and Elementary Principal, Mr. Voshell, spoke to parents about fourth grade expectations.

Principal Voshell spoke about the One-to-One iPad initiative in fourth grade
Mrs. Vickers shared about Digital Citizenship and an overview about Internet Safety

Mr. Greninger talked about fourth grade expectations
Mr. Lyon talked about parent involvement

Ms. Hakes-Anderson spoke about homework
Mrs. Arens talked about using ParentVue and our Benchmark Literacy Language Arts Curriculum

Mr. Lundeen talked about fourth grade Math
Not pictured, because the photographer was talking, and families outside of our learning community don't realize Ms. Leom keeps a blog, so a selfie would not be appropriate, Ms. Leom talked about the grading scale. In primary grades, students are graded: ESPN. In fourth grade, students are graded using ABCDF. An ABC in fourth grade is the S of K-3.

We appreciate all the families who were able to attend Parent Night. We KNOW how busy families are and what scheduling arrangements need to be made for you to attend!

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