Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

the Smart Board

Our school has smart boards in our classrooms. The board is connected to the computer. You can pull up the internet or assignments, then articulate (write) over them. It is not only for teachers to teach, but students to be a part of the learning and teaching experience.

When students come to school, their morning work this week is Daily Language. The work to make corrections. When they come to class, we go over the learning together, and students are encouraged to make corrections. Ms. Leom modeled the first two days, and today, she walked around the room and handed the "pens" to students who had completed the various examples to go up to the board and make corrections. All students who are interested will have the opportunity to use the board throughout the school year.

Eventually, there will be days when Ms. Leom "doesn't have to be in the room", as a collective class, the twenty-some students will be able to lead the corrections and learning. Ms. Leom will be a resource and fill in when needed. The smart board is really the group of students who shine in the front of the room.

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