Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Statement:

Ms. Leom's Classroom Community Motto:
YOU Belong.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Life Words

Today, we had a guest speaker come to our school and speak to all the students K-12. First, at one o'clock, the elementary met Eric Samuel Time, then the high school spent some time with him.

Mr. Voshell welcomed us and introduced us to Eric.

Here are some images of the magic ...

After creating an upside down image of Abe Lincoln, turning it, and adding color, he called out to our sixth grade social studies teacher, Mr. Vedders. Mr. Vedders is a good sport, and answered the call.

That included some epic dancing in exchange for the Abe image to hang in his classroom.

Our speaker talked about how Abe used his words to bring people together.

Eric had two student volunteers demonstrate how our words can flow freely, but once they are said, they can't be taken back, and can make a mess.

Using the theme of Abe, his way with words, the participant earned a $5 bill, with an image of Abraham Lincoln to remind them of how important it is to use our words.

Then our speaker started on another piece of art.

Soon, it was time to flip it.

Eric talked about using "life words", words that build people up. He shared a letter from someone who attended one of his presentations.

 He got right up into the bleachers and talked TO US directly.

 We used life words for other people, on-line, and to ourselves.

He was good about speaking to our kindergarten and first graders as well as addressing the older grades and students in the middle.

What an energizing, meaningful, and heartfelt experience. Art, music, and sharing these moments with others matter. We will begin using our life words.

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